Articles: for Educators |
Articles: for Families |
Articles: Educators & Families |
Attention Deficit | Driven to Distraction | As I read about ADHD and related disorders, I find so many helpful resources. This page highlights excerpts from one of the best sources of information I've found, Driven to Distraction. | |
Attention Deficit | What's it Like to Have ADHD? | Dr. Edward Hallowell provides a truly accurate description of what it's like to live with ADHD, and he includes observations about what can help achieve greater balance and fewer extremes. * New! | |
Attention Deficit | Learning to live with ADHD - Some tips to help children succeed | Very practical advice here, focusing on both what works and what does not work, recognizing that what works for one does not necessarily keep working or work for others... and isn't that the frustration for us as parents, that trial and error that we face daily. Maybe you'll find additional tools here. * New! | |
Attention Deficit | The Myth of Laziness | Brief excerpt from The Myth of Laziness, by Dr. Mel Levine. * New! | |
Attention Deficit | Do Boys with ADHD Overestimate their Competence? | This article is written by Dr. David Rabiner and focuses on his most recent research for "Attention Research Update, v63" at It focuses on a study on the self-perceptions of boys with ADHD, and how these perceptions compare to how their teachers regard them. | |
Attention Deficit | Transforming the Difficult Child | This page highlights excerpts from Transforming the Difficult Child, by Howard Glasser and Jennifer Easley. | |
Attention Deficit | What is ADHD? | The Expertise of an Educator/Father of a Child With ADHD. | |
Attention Deficit | What's It Like to Have ADD? | An informative and research-based article by E. Hallowell, MD. | |
Attention Deficit | It's Your Chemistry | Article explaining the chemistry of the brain and attention deficit disorder. | |
Attention Deficit | Blinks | Researched article explaining why it seems a misunderstood child isn't listening. | |
Attention Deficit | How ADHD Affects Preschoolers' Understanding Of Stories | Dr. David Rabiner reports on new research with implications for the classroom -- worthwhile reading. | |
Attention Deficit | NIH Statement | Provides overview of discussion/conclusions regarding the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD. | |
Attention Deficit | Dr. D. Rabiner -- Feature Article | Articles written by ADD specialist Dr. David Rabiner presenting current research and implications for the classroom teacher. | |
Attention Deficit | SCIPS (Strategies for Creating Inclusive Programmes of Study) | Psychology and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) | |
Attention Deficit | What Can a General Education Teacher Do? | Provides practical information for the teacher, but also the parent to share with the teacher, for working with ADHD in the classroom. | |
Attention Deficit | A Health Spotlight Focus | Several articles here, focused on ADHD treatments, from Online NewsHour. | |
Asperger Syndrome | Debunking 6 Myths About Asperger Syndrome | In this article from Psyche Central, Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S., sorts through the generalizations that are often made and explains specifically the actual concerns related to AS. * NEW! | |
Autism | The 6 Trajectories of Autism | This new article discusses "blooming" -- kids who move from low-functioning to high-functioning, and the implications of this understanding. * NEW! | |
Autism | What's Different About The Brains Of People With Autism? | Fascinating look at the brain's wiring, noting that a "new type of scan shows the fiber tracts connecting various parts of the brain and confirms that some of the tracts are less robust in people with autism" leading to the possible solution of using mental exercise to strengthen the connections. * NEW! | |
Autism | Handwriting Problems Hard to Outgrow With Autism | Describes a study showing that the handwriting problems that often affect children with autism are likely to persist into adolescence, but the article offers encouragement that students may be able to learn strategies to help them compensate. | |
ADD/Related Concerns | Learning Disabilities: An Overview | This article presents a research-based overview of learning disabilities: types, identification, interventions. | |
ADD/Related Concerns | A Game of Strengths and Weaknesses: Athletics Amid Academics | This writer offers "a neuropsychologist's thoughts on how participation in sports enhances the lives of people with LD and ADD." | |
ADD/Related Concerns | ADHD and Antisocial Behavior | Practical information and advice. | |
ADD/Related Concerns | Implications of Brain Research | This writer offers "intentionally provocative statements", each with a brief description of how this implication can be drawn from the research. * NEW! | |
ADD/Related Concerns | NLD - Nonverbal Learning Disabilities | Like children with ADHD, children with NLD are often quite bright but not understood. This site provides articles on diagnosis, assessment, advocacy, and additional resources. * NEW! | |
ADD/Related Concerns | Brainpower Smart Study | PsycheCentral discusses a new book in which Nina Sunday proposes an alternative strategy to the typical approach of trying to memorize material -- this could be very helpful for those with weak working memory. * NEW! | |
ADD/Related Concerns | Homework Blues | DeAnn Hyatt-Foley, MEd,
Matt Foley, MEd, LPC & Ryan Foley address a problem close to a parent's heart and teachers' also, as we watch our children's struggle to deal with this daily aspect of school. * NEW! | |
ADD/Related Concerns | ADHD 2.0: New Questions in Sixth Grade and Beyond | From ADDitude magazine, this article discusses this transitional point - does your preteen understand his/her ADHD, will he/she be responsible for meds, how will he/she manage school, etc. * NEW! | |
ADD/Gifted | ADHD or Giftedness? | Explores the issues related to assessing both ADD and giftedness as they are viewed by educators. | |
ADD/Gifted | Gifted but Learning Disabled | Twice blessed, but is that how the teacher will see it? Help for teachers and parents. | |
ADD/Gifted | Planning Science Programs for High Ability Learners | This article from KidSource provides suggestions for what a science curriculum for gifted students should include. | |
ADD/Gifted | Redefining Giftedness | A brief look at the work of Joseph Renzulli and its defining of three specific areas of giftedness. | |
Education Alternatives | Self-directed learning helps some students reach goals, study suggests | This article confirms that our kids can benefit from "coaching" that encourages independence, while guiding in self-directed actions. * NEW! | |
Education Alternatives | Collaboration Between Home and School | Prepared by the Schwab Foundation for Learning -- "When parents and teachers build partnerships and work together, the student benefits.." | |
Education Alternatives | Developing 504 Classroom Accommodation Plans: A Collaborative, Systematic Parent-Student-Teacher Approach | This article at LD Online offers strategies for accommodation plans for students with ADHD, from Teaching Exceptional Children. | |
Education Alternatives | Effective Practices for Preparing Young Children with Disabilities for School | This article from KidSource discusses data from research studies indicating that young children with disabilities and those who evidence biological and environmental risk factors make significant gains on both qualitative and quantitative measures of development when provided appropriate services. | |
Education Alternatives | Transition to Adulthood | Article provides an overview of areas of concern: academics, community experiences, vocational training. * NEW! | |
Education Alternatives | Home and Educator Teaching Tips | This page shares some excellent methods for working with young children who have ADHD; these suggestions may be used by classroom teachers also. | |
Education Alternatives | A Summary of Research Findings of the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD) Research Program in Reading Development, Reading Disorders and Reading Instruction | This article at LD Online offers a comprehensive overview of the background and purpose as well as the converging evidence and findings of 33 years of research involving over 34,000 children and adults conducted by the NICHD. | |
Education Alternatives | Tips and Tactics | Articles Archive from Teacher Vision offering Curriculum Strategies and Classroom Management ideas. | |
IEP/Advocates | Funding Assistive Technology: The Public School's Special Education System as a Funding Source | The National Assistive Technology Advocacy Project has produced an informative new report, Funding Assistive Technology: The Public School's Special Education System as a Funding Source, to help attorneys and advocates who specialize in special education law advocate for AT. | |
IEP/Advocates | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) | Purposes to reaffirm and strengthen the commitment to children with disabilities and their parents. | |
IEP/Advocates | What You Need to Know About IDEA 2004 | Easy to navigate and to find the specific information you're looking for related to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004. | |
IEP/Advocates | Policy Clarification Memorandum on ADD | Information regarding law concerning children with ADD who may qualify for special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act solely on the basis of their ADD when it impairs educational performance or learning. | |
IEP/Advocates | School Problems and the Family Physician | "Diagnosis and treatment of school problems depend on the collaboration of a multidisciplinary team of experts, which may consist of the family physician, school psychologist, classroom teacher, special educator, school nurse, school administrator, school counselor, social worker and other specialists. The child and the parents or guardians should also assume an active role on the team. The roles and responsibilities of each team member are outlined." | |
IEP/Advocates | Section 504 and IDEA: Basic Similarities and Differences | Article sorts out the differences and purposes of each--clarifies the laws for both teachers and families. | |
IEP/Advocates | Your Child's IEP: Practical and Legal Guidance | Although focused on issues for parents, teachers will benefit from reading this article which has been revised to be consistent with the new IDEA Regulations. | |
Smiles | If Dr. Seuss had a Gifted Child | A fun, "Seussian" look at the trio of child, parent, and teacher. |
is hearing a student say, "Thank you for understanding me." |
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