My Personal Testimony
I open my Bible, the one I've used since college, and consider the highlighted passages yet another time. I read the notes in the margins and recall where I was both literally and figuratively when I wrote them. I think back over the past 35 years and marvel at God's grace and faithfulness thus far.
I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Savior when I was eight years old. I attended Sunday school weekly with my mom and my two younger sisters. I faithfully memorized the assigned verses and collected treasured rewards for doing so. As a child, I believed Heaven was where Jesus lived and that He also lived in my heart, even though I didn't fully understand it all.
While in junior high and during my first two years of high school, I sang and traveled with the youth choir, took confirmation classes, and belonged to the Christian club on campus. I then journeyed through teen-age skepticism and cynicism. As a senior in high school, I believed Christians in my family's church were phony and unaccepting of others; clearly, I didn't understand it all.
After a challenging two years at UCLA, I transferred to Westmont College because a friend of mine attended there, and I loved the beach. Westmont's "suite" surroundings gathered me into fellowship with Christians on a daily basis; I lived with flawed people, grew spiritually, and recommitted my life to faithfulness to Christ and to His Church. As a college graduate, I believed I needed the Church and accepted that I didn't understand it all.
God truly is faithful and throughout my adult years, He has proven this over and over. I love His Word, make time for daily Bible study, and find that verses I didn't even intend to memorize have hidden themselves in my heart and are a constant source of wisdom and strength.
is hearing a student say, "Thank you for understanding me." |
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