ADHD / LD Special Needs: Educators |
ADHD / LD Special Needs: Families |
ADHD / LD/ Special Needs: Organizations |
Special Needs: Specific Concerns |
Education / Inclusion / Gifted Resources
Mental Health: Emotions and Behavior
Attention Deficit in the Classroom | A Day in the Life... | A collection of journal entries from teachers participating in Mel Levine's Schools Attuned Project, as they proceed through a school year. | |
Education Issues Inclusion |
The Council for Exceptional Children | CEC advocates for appropriate governmental policies, sets professional standards, provides continual professional development, advocates for newly and historically underserved individuals with exceptionalities, and helps professionals obtain conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice. | |
Education Issues Inclusion |
Embracing the Child | Their goal is to "focus on children's books that share and create meaningful experiences. Books that promote and encourage values and self esteem; ignite visual and linguistic opportunities of knowledge; appreciate the awe of nature; embrace our uniqueness; accept and acknowledge our differences; and create intergenerational experiences." This is an encouraging and resourceful place to visit! | |
Education Issues Inclusion |
The Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM) | This site allows teachers to search for specific resources by topic, grade level, and other key words from over 140 web sites, including special needs. * New! | |
Education Issues Inclusion |
Learning Links (SNOW) | Includes links related to adaptive technology, theory, and practical methods. * New! | |
Education Issues Inclusion |
Legal Differences | This page provides an easy-to-understand chart comparing the legal differences between key disability-related laws. | |
Education Issues Inclusion |
Myths About Classroom Adaptations | This site will definitely clarify the ways teachers can meet the needs of all learners. * New! | |
Education Issues Inclusion |
National Institute for Urban School Improvement | Provides a searchable collection of journal articles, videos, position papers, project reports, program descriptions, and a variety of other media related to urban education and inclusive schooling. * New! | |
Education Issues Inclusion |
National Science Foundation, | Information is available regarding project activities and methods for making classrooms and laboratories more useable by students with specific disabilities, and links to other interesting science web sites are provided. | |
Education Issues Inclusion |
NAMI: Parents and Teachers As Allies | It focuses on the specific, age-related symptoms of mental illnesses in youth, how best to intervene, and shared the lived experiences of consumers and families. | |
Education Issues Inclusion |
Teaching Math to Visually Impaired Students | Susan Osterhaus offers teaching strategies related to math to improve the understanding of visually impaired students...and maintains a math homepage on the TSBVI Website, a resource through which she further shares her expertise in mathematics. | |
Education Issues Inclusion |
Teaching Students with Learning and Behavioural Differences: A Resource Guide for Teachers | (British Columbia Ministry of Education) This excellent resource focuses on both elementary and secondary issues, taking into consideration the educational concerns at each level. | |
Gifted Education | Curriculum Alternatives To Motivate Gifted Students | This digest presents two strategies to help highly able students get more out of school. Teachers may find that the following strategies enable them to challenge and motivate not only gifted students, but also other students who have talents and abilities in specific areas. * New! | |
Gifted Education | GT World Links | Resources for families of gifted children--also features a mailing list for adults and one for families. | |
Gifted Education | Hoagies' Gifted Education Page | Excellent resource for all interested in providing the challenges and opportunities that gifted children need. | |
Gifted Education | Open Space Communications | Provides information and resources related to the gifted child with ADD. * New! |
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is hearing a student say, "Thank you for understanding me." |
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