Issues in Education: Resource Sites

  ASCD Web Provides information about the Association of Curriculum Development, professional development resources, and includes a free newsletter providing educational news and site updates.
  Edvantia Edvantia is a nonprofit corporation committed to helping client-partners improve education and meet federal and state mandates. Schools, districts, and state education agencies—as well as publishers and service providers—rely on Edvantia’s core capabilities in research, evaluation, professional development, and technical assistance to help them succeed.
  CCSSO The Council of Chief State School Officers - features articles on standards related to state initiatives and policy, school leader accreditation, and teacher licensing.
  Center for Talented Youth (CTY) The Johns Hopkins University Institute for Academic Advancement of Youth.
  Chronicle of Higher Education In addition to today's education news, this online journal hosts discussion forums and provides links to additional educational resource sites.
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  Current Issues in Public Education - Canada This site offers articles/information related to issues relevant to Canadian educators, yet is interesting and timely for all educators.
  Daily Education News This news source provides both U.S. and International news articles, in addition to providing resource links focused on current issues in education.
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  Dept. of Education (U.S.): Topics A to Z This index to the U.S. Department of Education's web site includes links on almost all educational topics.
  Education Development Center EDC conducts research and develops programs in such areas as early child development, K-12 education, health promotion, workforce preparation, learning technologies and institutional reform.
  Education for the Future A non-profit Initiative which assists schools with systemic reform largely through the development and use of School Portfolios and Comprehensive Data Analysis.
  Education Week on the Web Online version of the educator's weekly magazine, with informative articles, news, editorials, and lists of calendar events related to education. Includes links to Teacher Magazine and The Chronicle of Higher Education.
  Edutopia This site and online newsletter from the George Lucas Educational Foundation features the most innovative models of K-12 teaching and learning in the digital age.
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  ERIC Archives Includes sections on equity and cultural diversity, urban teachers, curriculum and instruction, compensatory education, and administration and finance. Provides information about school reform, school safety, and technology in urban education. Features digests, short bibliographies, parent guides, key abstracts (short summaries), and other publications.
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  Essays In Education Essays in Education is a peer-reviewed electronic journal that seeks to explore the multitude of issues that impact and influence education. (source)
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  FairTest FairTest, The National Center for Fair & Open Testing with the goal of "working to end the abuses, misuses and flaws of standardized testing and ensure that evaluation of students and workers is fair, open, and educationally sound."
  The George Lucas Educational Foundation OnLine book for teachers who see the possibilities in themselves and in their students--worthwhile reading with chapters written by experienced and renowned educators.
  K-12 Practitioners Home Page - NCES The National Center for Education Statistics "summarizes and explains some of the latest educational research findings. Survey data that support these findings, as well as methods used to conduct the surveys are outlined."
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  McREL The MidContinent Regional Educational Laboratory provides information on standards and includes related Internet resources and lesson plans.
  MiddleWeb This site looks at reform issues specifically focused on the needs of middle school teachers and students.
  NWREL The Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory focuses on standards in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.
  Online Resources (Teachers College, Columbia University) Provides Internet resources on various topics researched and compiled by Urban Education web.
  Pediatric Development and Behavior Excellent source of information related to all aspects of children's behavior and growth, including discussion and news lists.
  Public Agenda This project researches the effect of education standards on teachers, parents, students, employers, and college professors.
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  Teacher College Record The Teachers College Record is a journal of research, analysis, and commentary in the field of education. It has been published continuously since 1900 by Teachers College, Columbia University.
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  Teacher/Pathfinder U.S. Department of Education Funds for Innovation in Education Award: Includes Community Center, Goals 2000, Support Office, Professional Development, Teachers Village, and Challenge County.

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   The most valuable reward in teaching
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