Notes of Encouragement...
These messages are valued because they express the needs of misunderstood kids, their parents, and teachers who want to understand. It encourages me that information needed to help our kids is desired and shared!
Out of respect for people's privacy, I've deleted full names and addresses
Subject: Lessons Learned
From: K.C.
I just finished reading (and printing off a copy of) your web page called "A Few Lessons Learned About Teaching Students Who Have ADHD". I have tears in my eyes. What a great page. Thank you so much for writing it. I guess this information is probably available elsewhere, but this page is written to the point and concisely, and I plan on giving my daughter's 2nd grade teacher a copy. My daughter was recently given a preliminary diagnosis of Adhd & ODD, after 2 years of kindergarten with difficulties and a year of first grade where the problems worsened. She has been evaluated by the school, and will have an outside evalutation done as well, and a temporary IEP is in place until the outside eval is done. Thank you so much for this page.
Subject: Limited Editions
From: G.L.
I am a former EMR teacher now a media specialist in a mid-sized and growing town. I really appreciate what you are doing. An adult friend and I "labeled" people with ADD and other related "problems" Limited Editions. If you ever visit Hawaii you find that a limited edition print of Lassen's is around $2000. A regular print is 4/$22 at a flea market. I beleive and have stated that each person is unique. It is just that "Limited Editions" are able to show off their uniqueness easier. I love having these kids in my classes. It is like reading a mystery book. "How do you get to this kid?" Some-the last chapter is missing. I never find out. Others I am able to read how to reach that child and enjoy doing so.
Subject: Your Site
From: K.K.
Laurie,I'm 39 years old, diagnosed ADD/ADHD since age five...I have two boys and one, the oldest, has been officially diagnosed ADD/ADHD and color blind since age five. I knew he was this the day he was born just by watching him squirm on the examination table immediately after birth...I ran across your site when researching information for my English I essay entitled "ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER, PROBLEM---DISORDER OR BOTH". While reading just about all the pages connected to the site, I couldn't help but feel for all the teachers out there that deal with kids with special needs and all the kids that have to deal with their own special needs and the kids that make fun of them by calling them such names as "space cadet". For I went through the same things growing up. When I finished my paper, my professor read it and said I should conduct a class using my essay. I thought that would be neat and informative. When I read the essay, it not only brought tears to my eyes, it also brought tears to everyone in the class as well. In reading the emails that you've posted, I ran across one of a father that has to educate a new teacher each year. I'm here to tell you, that's going to be a process that will never cease. While in the army, I trained police K-9 and doing so I took my son to most of the training sessions with me. In K-9 training, we use the Principles of Conditioning and Pavlov's Theory of reward training. I thought, why not use this with my son? I did and you would not believe the results. He is now going on to the third grade with a smile from ear to ear. Your site has been a great help and I will use the suggestions and theories not only with my son but, with the boys that attend the school I work at. I've sent this site to many of the teachers at my school that were sceptical about ADHD and to the teachers at my son's school and they have all told me what a wonderful and educational site it is. Keep up the good work and continue with the tips and suggestions.
Subject: Web Site
From: J.S.
I came across this site just this evening. Thank you so much! My son has been diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome and ADD. Whew. Most ADD sites are depressing but this one is very encouraging. I have actually bookmarked it. Thank You again!
Subject: Web Site
From: M.P. (Dominican Rep.)
This site has been wonderful for me. I'm currently working on my thesis which is a project to teach teachers how to become aware of this disorder. My country is fairly new to this and only a few profesionals are working with children.
Subject: Web Site
From: C.R.
Laurie, You've done a wonderful job of providing information, help and encouragement with your website. It can be a difficult time for many as they learn to adjust to the daily struggle associated with dealing with ADD/ADHD. I feel lucky because I've grownup ADHD & also have a son (11) that is ADD. I know how he feels inside and can help him learn how to "manage" his feelings. He is a wonderful young man (an honor roll student since 3rd grade). Your son is truly blessed because even though you've not dealt with ADD/ADHD personally, you are learning what he goes through and willing to help him to deal with it. He will accomplish much because of your love and devotion!
Subject: Web Site
From: K.J.
I work in a self-contained unit for high school students with behavior disorders. A couple of your suggestions were new to me and I think may help us work with one of our more challenging boys. Thanks.
Subject: Web Site
From: K.J.
This is exactly what I have been searching for since my second grader has been diagnosed with ADD. I too am a teacher who did not except ADHD. I thought it was a new way for drug companies to make more money. However, I am now eating my words to parents, doctors, and psychologists. Adderall has made a big difference in my son's life.
Subject: Web Site
From: R.R.
I love your articles. I am doing research to help my son's 3rd grade teacher with his ADD. (It seems that I have to do this every year!) Here are her lastest comments on his report card: "His artistic ability is amazing.... However, he often has difficulty listening and following directions because he is preoccupied. If he used more effort to include details and complete thoughts in his written work, his papers would reflect his true knowledge and ability." I have to educate a new teacher every year about ADD strategies in teaching. Keep up the good work!
Subject: Web Site
From: L. A.
Laurie, This was wonderful! ALL teachers should visit your website often! Thank you! Lauri A.
With tears, I thank you, Lauri (dear friend and colleague), for taking the time to visit, to share encouragement with me, and to continue to love Jonathan and Geoffrey in an "above and beyond" way. - Laurie
Subject: Web Site
From: E.
As a teacher of students with disabiltities, I was feeling discouraged and a little frustrated by these oh-so-typical behaviors children with ADD and ADHD exhibit. Your web site was a wonderful reminder of why I got into this field in the first place and a kick in the behind to change some of my behaviors. thanks.
Subject: Web Site
From: L.
I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes - where have you been for me? I've been struggling with my daughter - who is now nine and in fourth grade. I need to really look through your site.
Teachers, are we aware of the tears...are we watching and much more important than planning and grading in light of eternity. - Laurie
Subject: Web Site
From: J.
WOW. I LOVE it! I can't wait to have some time to just sit and absorb it all. Someone who really understands...I can't believe it, and I wish I had her for a teacher for Matthew. Thanks so much for this.
Subject: Web Site
From: Randy.
Outsite the Box! A Place for Parents & Teachers of Misunderstood Kids - (ADHD),
I guess what stood out about the site is this is a Teacher and she has the most wonderful material regarding ADHD, teaching tips etc. After so many years of fighting the system for my older son James, it was just so uplifting to see a teacher put up a site like this. What's better, is now (that I know about), one site has all the revelant teaching related material regarding teaching a child with ADD/ADHD
Subject: Web Site
From: Sandi
As a special ed teacher, mother, and grandmother of an ADHD grandson I have found much info from this site. My heart and mind are overflowing with ideas to share with those with whom I work who do not/will not accept this problem as a medical one. Thanks so much for your insights and prayers. I know now it is my turn to help others understand. Thanks.
Subject: Web Site
From: E. F.
This is a fabulous webpage. Thank you so much for reaffirming my faith that there are teachers out there who do actually care about students and their special needs. My child has a teacher this year who "already knows everything" and doesn't welcome any input - just ignores it...I'm simply an interfering mother...I'm doing what I can to change the situation but not getting very far. Thank you for reminding me that people like you are out there!
Subject: Web Site
From: B.
Thanks for putting this info on your site. I made a copy of the things you learned and will be bringing it to my son's teacher. My son is six years old and has ADHD. His teacher really doesn't know how to handle him - your insights should help her understand.
Subject: Web Site
From: karen
I found this page while doing a paper for my class but what interested me the most is that I have ADD and I really wish that more teachers knew about this page to help a lot of their students with it. If there are any discouraged people out there with ADD or ADHD or have children with it just be patient with them and get the proper medicine and things will be much happier for all of you ... thank you! :)
Subject: Web Site
From: Y. S.
Dear Mrs. Hagberg, As a person who recently knew nothing about ADHD, I really admire the loving effort you have dedicated to this web site. What an education I've received from its pages! Each year, God lets me learn a little bit more from your incredible heart, and I am grateful for these visits that teach me so much about honesty, wisdom, and gentleness. Thank you for the information on these pages, and for the ideas that nudge our minds into new thoughts. I know that you have reached many people affected by ADHD, and that you have stirred the imagination of your current English students by publishing their poetry and assignments (I miss that!:), but I want you to know that your words can and have moved even the casual, indifferent visitor. This site is amazing. I wish I could touch the flowers.
Y. S.
(This note from one of my former students means so much to me and is so beautifully written that I had to include it--as a treasured pressed flower within the pages).
Subject: Web Site
From: C. J.
Dear Laurie,Thanks, you are doing a real service for teachers and parents. Please include information on Tourette's Syndrome on your page. My 20 year old son was just diagnosed with it last Monday. We always thought that he had ADD with mild hyper activity and mild Aphasia. ADHD and Tourette's are very closely related and there is some very interesting information available on-line on this subject. Good luck & keep up the good work!
C. J.
Museum Educational Foundation
(A California Nonprofit Organization)
Subject: your web site
From: Pam
To: Laurie Hagberg
Hi Laurie, I'm new to the Christian ADHD list....and haven't quite figured out if I belong here. I'm hoping by interacting here and learning that I will have a better idea if our son would be classified as ADD/ADHD. I visited your web site and it brought me to tears. Especially the page about encouragement for teachers and parents. You are exactly the kind of teacher I love :-) . Your page is an inspiration to those who visit it. I pray they will be encouraged by it and are able to modify their own behaviors when working with a special kid.
Subject: ADD
From: M. B.
Laurie: I read with interest your announcement of a web site designed to help educators and parents understand ADD students. I am the editor of Independent School magazine, published by the National Association of Independent Schools. It just so happens that we are running an article by two former independent students with learning disabilities. Basically they talk about their experiences in independent schools and mention that, despite the rhetoric, many teachers and administrators did not understand their problems and some outwardly questioned whether or not they were disabled. In any event, I thought I would mention your web site in a sidecar, if it's OK with you and if there is enough space.
M. B.
Subject: (no subject)
From: Lynn
Hello. I just had to drop you a note. In addition to studying to become an elementary school teacher, I am the parent of a daughter who was recently diagnosed with ADHD. Last year was a nightmare. Her teacher was such a mismatch - my daughter was completely misunderstood. I hope your hard work will help teachers understand our children better - they are not trying to be bad kids, be disruptive, or act out - they can't help it.
Subject: Outside The Box
From: J. S.
I just came across your wonderful site and wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your personal and professional insights. My 14 y/o son has ADD, and other than one teacher in 5th grade (who also had an ADD child of her own!), his public school "career" was a nightmare. We have since begun home schooling him, and it works very well for him. Had we had the benefit of teachers with attitudes like yours, however, we probably would have elected to have him remain in public school. I hope you are able to spread this attitude far and wide! I realize that sometimes only walking that mile in someone else's shoes will allow a person to fully understand a situation; but given the responsibility that teachers have chosen simply by becoming teachers, more of them need to learn the truth about ADD/ADHD and the effect they have on the lives of their ADD/ADHD students! Good luck in spreading the word!
Subject: AWARD
From: ECLIPSE Web master
Congratulations, your web site, "Outside the Box", has been selected to receive the ECLIPSE PUBLIC SERVICE award ! Our PUBLIC SERVICE award is given to those sites with present help or guidance to the general public with no thought of personal gain. Your valuable insights into ADHD as a professional teacher should be shared with all others in the teaching profession. "Lessons I've Learned" should be required reading for all teachers. Great informative site. Thanks for the view "inside of your box" !
Subject: =D
From: Innovative Teaching
To: Laurie Hagberg
Laurie,I loved your site! I added it under the general resources listings on my teacher's page. Great job - well formatted - super resources - thanks for sharing it with me!
Walter McKenzie
Educational Consultant:
-Curriculum Integration
-Multiple Intelligences
-Creative Education
Subject: Hi.........
From: Georgia
Hi Laurie... First of all.......I'd like to thank you for your site.......I think it will be a very helpful one for those of us parents...who with an ADD child...often find ourselves.....hurting, struggling, and crying in frustration for our children.......No one understands and NO ONE really cares.........That's what I found in our years with Becky (read her story) ...........
Here are some excerpts from your pages I related to...
- "A skillful and confident ADDer with tact and fast talk will go on like nothing was wrong. (That's Becky)...
- ADDers may become jokesters or boisterous as a mechanism to save face or just give themselves time to catch up. (Same here)
- Reading, too, is one way; the sentences or paragraph blinked over is lost and the reader may NEVER have a clue that it was skipped. Slow reading speed, exaggerated by the need to constantly start over, is a major problem for the ADDer and the loss of skipped material is detrimental to learning living and loving. (Something she or the teachers NEVER really understood)
- You see, a few years back, I didn't believe in ADHD. I thought it was an excuse parents used when they weren't willing to hold their child accountable academically. I assumed the student was lazy. I responded to the student's behaviors accordingly, with harsh judgment and actions. Oh, I look back now and ache for those kids--kids that I didn't understand. Was I unfair? Possibly. Was I willfully unfair? No. Was I ignorant? Yes."
What a way we have to learn sometimes....isn't it??
Well, Laurie..thanks for taking the time to read this huge novel...ha.ha........ But anyway.....we're on our 3rd day of home schooling...........(something I thought I'd NEVER be an almost 50 year old mom of 7, gramma of 3....and married for 31 years)....I thought this was MY time........But we've started out well.....and am trusting the Lord for the wisdom, guidance, and strength to continue and to help Becky become the young woman the Lord has in mind to use for His glory and give her the confidence to feel good about herself and be successful in life...
Lord bless you....
Subject: Award
From: The Reading Garden
To: "Laurie Hagberg"
Hi Laurie, I've visited "Outside the Box!" and, as the parent of a handicapped child totally appreciate what you've created. Thank you for providing, not only a very apt description of those who don't quite "fit in", but a place for those to go who feel they fit the description. Well done! It's my pleasure to present "Outside the Box!" The Sharing Spirit Award.
Subject: Your Page
From: "Denise
I have been to your site through a mining co. link. I wanted to thank you for all the information you have on your page and the work that has gone into creating a resource that I can use! I am a home school mom of an ADHD child. Your story touched my heart. I've been there.
Subject: Web site
From: B. P.
Laurie, I enjoyed your site and found some great resources. I have an ADD/LD 19 year old son. All I can say is that some things get better with time and some don't. I never got it through his thick skull that misbehaving or not performing for a teacher you don't like was NOT an option. And I had him enrolled in my school to try to keep a lid on him. On the plus side, he is a very, very social and likable kid (you will never pick him out in a crowd as LD) and luckily, most of the teachers (especially the principal, thank heavens!) liked him. When he graduated I literally stood in the back yard and thanked God that he made it!
He has been a life guard at our city pool for 4 years and is beloved by parents and kids alike. It was a joke at the pool that they hired him because it was the only way they could figure out how to control him. I've watched him in action - both guarding and giving lessons - and it's hard not to laugh. He is the toughest disciplinarian there. Guess it's a case of "it takes one to know one". But I've had parents stop me and praise him to the skies. When he worked at a local store, parents told me their children insisted that they stop at the bakery to see him.
Good luck! You'll have great times and you'll have some really hair-raising times! By the way, medication didn't work with Luke. I never noticed a difference in his behavior anyway - guess I was used to it. He hated taking the pills (later he said it was because of the taste). I've seen kids it worked great with and others - no way.
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